Index of all elements
[ a ]
[ b ]
[ c ]
[ d ]
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- getBoost
- in file SolrHit.php, method SolrHit::getBoost()
SolrDocument implementation.
- getBoost
- in file SolrField.php, method SolrField::getBoost()
Returns the boost factor for this field.
- getBoost
- in file SolrSimpleDocument.php, method SolrSimpleDocument::getBoost()
Returns the boost factor for this document.
- getBoost
- in file SolrDocument.php, method SolrDocument::getBoost()
Returns the boost factor for this document.
- getBoost
- in file SolrSimpleField.php, method SolrSimpleField::getBoost()
Returns the boost setting for this field.
- getBoost
- in file SolrDateField.php, method SolrDateField::getBoost()
Returns the boost factor for this field.
- getFields
- in file SolrHit.php, method SolrHit::getFields()
SolrDocument implementation.
- getFields
- in file SolrSimpleDocument.php, method SolrSimpleDocument::getFields()
Returns the fields of this document.
- getFields
- in file SolrDocument.php, method SolrDocument::getFields()
Returns the fields of this document.
- getName
- in file SolrSimpleField.php, method SolrSimpleField::getName()
Returns the name of the field.
- getName
- in file SolrField.php, method SolrField::getName()
Returns the name of this field.
- getName
- in file SolrDateField.php, method SolrDateField::getName()
Returns the name of this field.
- getName
- in file SolrFacetField.php, method SolrFacetField::getName()
Returns the name of this field.
- getNumFound
- in file SolrSearchResult.php, method SolrSearchResult::getNumFound()
Returns the total number of documents found.
- getQueryString
- in file SolrQuery.php, method SolrQuery::getQueryString()
Build the query string of the URL for this query.
- getQueryStringPart
- in file SolrFacetField.php, method SolrFacetField::getQueryStringPart()
Returns the faceting part of the HTTP query.
- getQueryStringPart
- in file SolrSimpleFacets.php, method SolrSimpleFacets::getQueryStringPart()
Returns the faceting part of the HTTP query.
- getQueryStringPart
- in file SolrFacetFieldParameters.php, method SolrFacetFieldParameters::getQueryStringPart()
Returns the faceting part of the HTTP query.
- getScore
- in file SolrHit.php, method SolrHit::getScore()
Returns the score for this hit.
- getSolrSpecVersion
- in file SolrConnection.php, method SolrConnection::getSolrSpecVersion()
Returns the server's Solr specification version.
- getStart
- in file SolrSearchResult.php, method SolrSearchResult::getStart()
Returns the result offset.
- getValue
- in file SolrSimpleField.php, method SolrSimpleField::getValue()
Returns the value of the field.
- getValue
- in file SolrField.php, method SolrField::getValue()
Returns the value of this field as string.
- getValue
- in file SolrDateField.php, method SolrDateField::getValue()
Returns the value of this field as string.
- offsetExists
- in file SolrSearchResult.php, method SolrSearchResult::offsetExists()
ArrayAccess implementation.
- offsetExists
- in file SolrHit.php, method SolrHit::offsetExists()
ArrayAccess implementation.
- offsetGet
- in file SolrSearchResult.php, method SolrSearchResult::offsetGet()
ArrayAccess implementation.
- offsetGet
- in file SolrHit.php, method SolrHit::offsetGet()
ArrayAccess implementation.
- offsetSet
- in file SolrHit.php, method SolrHit::offsetSet()
ArrayAccess implementation.
- offsetSet
- in file SolrSearchResult.php, method SolrSearchResult::offsetSet()
ArrayAccess implementation.
- offsetUnset
- in file SolrHit.php, method SolrHit::offsetUnset()
ArrayAccess implementation.
- offsetUnset
- in file SolrSearchResult.php, method SolrSearchResult::offsetUnset()
ArrayAccess implementation.
- optimize
- in file SolrConnection.php, method SolrConnection::optimize()
Optimizes the index.
- in file SolrQuery.php, class constant SolrQuery::OP_AND
AND operator.
- in file SolrQuery.php, class constant SolrQuery::OP_OR
OR operator.
- sendRequest
- in file SolrHttpClient.php, method SolrHttpClient::sendRequest()
Sends an HTTP request.
- setDefaultField
- in file SolrQuery.php, method SolrQuery::setDefaultField()
Sets the default field for this query.
- setFieldList
- in file SolrQuery.php, method SolrQuery::setFieldList()
Sets the list of fields to return.
- setFields
- in file SolrSimpleFacets.php, method SolrSimpleFacets::setFields()
Sets the field(s) which should be treated as a facet(s).
- setFilters
- in file SolrQuery.php, method SolrQuery::setFilters()
Sets the filter queries for this query.
- setLimit
- in file SolrFacetFieldParameters.php, method SolrFacetFieldParameters::setLimit()
Sets the maximum number of constraint counts.
- setMinCount
- in file SolrFacetFieldParameters.php, method SolrFacetFieldParameters::setMinCount()
Sets the minimum counts for facet fields.
- setMissing
- in file SolrFacetFieldParameters.php, method SolrFacetFieldParameters::setMissing()
Include "missing value" as a facet count?
- setOffset
- in file SolrFacetFieldParameters.php, method SolrFacetFieldParameters::setOffset()
Sets the offset for the the list of constraints to allow paging.
- setOperator
- in file SolrQuery.php, method SolrQuery::setOperator()
Specify the default operator.
- setPrefix
- in file SolrFacetFieldParameters.php, method SolrFacetFieldParameters::setPrefix()
Sets the facet prefix.
- setQueries
- in file SolrSimpleFacets.php, method SolrSimpleFacets::setQueries()
Sets the query/queries that should be used to generate a facet count.
- setRows
- in file SolrQuery.php, method SolrQuery::setRows()
Sets the maximum number of documents.
- setSort
- in file SolrFacetFieldParameters.php, method SolrFacetFieldParameters::setSort()
Sets the ordering of the facets.
- setStart
- in file SolrQuery.php, method SolrQuery::setStart()
Sets the offset for the returned result set.
- Solr
- in file Solr.php, class Solr
Solr base class.
- SolrConnection
- in file SolrConnection.php, class SolrConnection
A Solr Connection.
- SolrDateField
- in file SolrDateField.php, class SolrDateField
A date field that can be indexed by Solr.
- SolrDocument
- in file SolrDocument.php, class SolrDocument
A document that can be indexed by Solr.
- SolrException
- in file SolrException.php, class SolrException
Default Exception for the Solr Library.
- SolrFacetCounts
- in file SolrFacetCounts.php, class SolrFacetCounts
The facet counts attached to a SolrSearchResult.
- SolrFacetField
- in file SolrFacetField.php, class SolrFacetField
A facet field.
- SolrFacetFieldParameters
- in file SolrFacetFieldParameters.php, class SolrFacetFieldParameters
Common parameters for facet fields.
- SolrField
- in file SolrField.php, class SolrField
A field that can be indexed by Solr.
- SolrHit
- in file SolrHit.php, class SolrHit
A document found by SolrConnection::query().
- SolrHttpClient
- in file SolrHttpClient.php, class SolrHttpClient
A simple HTTP client for php_solr.
- SolrQuery
- in file SolrQuery.php, class SolrQuery
A query for Solr's StandardRequestHandler.
- SolrSearchResult
- in file SolrSearchResult.php, class SolrSearchResult
A search result.
- SolrSimpleDocument
- in file SolrSimpleDocument.php, class SolrSimpleDocument
A Solr Document.
- SolrSimpleFacets
- in file SolrSimpleFacets.php, class SolrSimpleFacets
A set of parameters to enable Solr's SimpleFacets in SolrQuery.
- SolrSimpleField
- in file SolrSimpleField.php, class SolrSimpleField
A Solr Field.
- SolrDateField.php
- procedural page SolrDateField.php
- SolrSimpleDocument.php
- procedural page SolrSimpleDocument.php
- SolrSimpleField.php
- procedural page SolrSimpleField.php
- SolrDocument.php
- procedural page SolrDocument.php
- SolrField.php
- procedural page SolrField.php
- SolrFacetCounts.php
- procedural page SolrFacetCounts.php
- SolrFacetField.php
- procedural page SolrFacetField.php
- SolrFacetFieldParameters.php
- procedural page SolrFacetFieldParameters.php
- SolrHit.php
- procedural page SolrHit.php
- SolrQuery.php
- procedural page SolrQuery.php
- SolrSearchResult.php
- procedural page SolrSearchResult.php
- SolrSimpleFacets.php
- procedural page SolrSimpleFacets.php
- Solr.php
- procedural page Solr.php
- SolrException.php
- procedural page SolrException.php
- SolrConnection.php
- procedural page SolrConnection.php
- SolrHttpClient.php
- procedural page SolrHttpClient.php
- __construct
- in file SolrQuery.php, method SolrQuery::__construct()
Constructor for SolrQuery.
- __construct
- in file SolrSimpleDocument.php, method SolrSimpleDocument::__construct()
Creates a new Solr document.
- __construct
- in file SolrSimpleField.php, method SolrSimpleField::__construct()
Creates a new Solr Field.
- __construct
- in file SolrDateField.php, method SolrDateField::__construct()
Constructor for SolrDateField.
- __construct
- in file SolrHttpClient.php, method SolrHttpClient::__construct()
Constructor for SolrHttpClient.
- __construct
- in file SolrFacetField.php, method SolrFacetField::__construct()
Constructor for SolrFacetField.
- __construct
- in file SolrHit.php, method SolrHit::__construct()
Constructor for SolrHit.
- __get
- in file SolrFacetCounts.php, method SolrFacetCounts::__get()
Getter for magic properties.
- __get
- in file SolrSearchResult.php, method SolrSearchResult::__get()
Getter for magic properties.
- __get
- in file SolrQuery.php, method SolrQuery::__get()
Getter for magic properties.