void setDefaultField(
$defaultField = null])
Sets the default field for this query.
Passing null or calling this function without a parameter resets your setting to the server default.
void setFieldList(
$fields = null])
Sets the list of fields to return.
This parameter can be used to specify a set of fields to return, limiting the amount of information in the response. When returning the results to the client, only fields in this list will be included.
The string "score" can be used to indicate that the score of each document for the particular query should be returned as a field, and the string "*" can be used to indicate all stored fields the document has.
// Only return the "id", "name", and "price" fields
// Return the "id" field and the score
// Return all fields the each document has
// Return all fields each document has, along with the score
Passing null or calling this function without a parameter resets your setting to the server default.
Please note that Solr is unable to provide the value of fields that are not marked as stored in your Schema.xml!
void setFilters(
$filters = null])
Sets the filter queries for this query.
This parameter can be used to specify one ore multiple queries that can be used to restrict the super set of documents that can be returned, without influencing score.
Passing null or calling this function without a parameter drops all filters.
void setOperator(
$operator = null])
Specify the default operator.
Specifies the default operator for query expressions, overriding the default operator specified in Solr's schema.xml. Possible values are OP_AND or OP_OR.
Passing null or calling this function without a parameter resets your setting to the server default.
Example: Setting the default operator to AND.
void setRows(
$rows = null])
Sets the maximum number of documents.
When specified, this parameter indicates the maximum number of documents from the complete result set to return to the client for every request.
Passing null or calling this function without a parameter resets your setting to the server default.
void setStart(
$start = null])
Sets the offset for the returned result set.
When specified, this parameter indicates the offset in the complete result set for the queries where the set of returned documents should begin.
Passing null or calling this function without a parameter resets your setting to the server default.